Selasa, 30 Oktober 2018



Революция всей цепочки поставок золота

Usave – это глобальное решение, способное контролировать, защищать и продавать экологически чистое золото с использованием распределенной технологии учета («DLT»), основанной на блохейне. Кроме того, он также объяснил преимущества для всех участников приложения DLT для добычи золота, обработки и торговли акциями, а также для разработки и реализации плана.
Наш процесс начинается на стадии поставщика, и вы можете следить за экспортом золота на нефтеперерабатывающий завод. Когда золото будет рафинировано, золото будет помещено в безопасный сейф в Монако. Владелец сможет сэкономить золото или использовать его в качестве залога для заимствования денег. Наши жетоны не связаны с ценой на золото, и цена на токен полностью гарантированно конвертируется в физическое золото в обмен на обмен.Платформа USAVE использует технологию blockchain для социальных и экологических воздействий. Мы гарантируем безопасное и прослеживаемое происхождение чистого и этического экологического золота при перемещении по цепочке поставок и хранении в хранилище владельцем, обеспечивая полную прозрачность и спокойствие для всех сторон.
Мы будем использовать криптовалюты для изменения золотодобывающей отрасли, и мы будем использовать блокировки для торговли золотом, которые производятся этически. Все обязанности несут полную ответственность за наши ресурсы. В течение всего процесса, ртути, принудительных операций и так далее. Ничего. Мы поможем обеспечить золотые прииски в Африке и Латинской Америке и обеспечить самые высокие этические стандарты в ходе этого процесса.
Используя нашу сеть, предприятия могут разрабатывать динамичную, полную и устойчивую экосистему золота, которая обеспечивает самые высокие социальные и экологические обязанности в процессе цепочки поставок, от шахтеров до покупателей.
Мы хотим начать наше Первое предложение монет (ICO). Кстати, мы получим номер в 130 миллионов долларов. Специальные продажи начнутся в июле, и наши предпродажные услуги начнутся в сентябре, поэтому ваши глаза будут очищены для дальнейших обновлений.
Наши нефтеперерабатывающие заводы, хранилища и биржи расположены в Монако, идеальном месте в золотодобывающей промышленности. Политическая и экономическая стабильность в регионе сочетается с его институтами и правилами, а также политическая и экономическая стабильность в объединенном регионе, что делает его идеальной предпосылкой для роста и получения физических узлов для изделий из золота. Кроме того, здесь сосредоточено богатство, и спрос на золото больше, чем в других странах.
Мы работаем с глобальными лидерами службы безопасности Brinks и Lloyds, чтобы помочь нашим финансовым услугам и помочь нам достичь нашего стратегического видения для USAVE. Наша команда по изменению, основанная в Лондоне GMEX, будет работать с нами на протяжении всего процесса.
Мы рады сотрудничеству с Chaineum, консультативным сервисом ICA, который предоставляет цифровым компаниям различные рекомендации и услуги для улучшения своих стратегий Blockchain и ICO. Chaineum поможет нашему ICO и поможет нам максимизировать его успех.
Чтобы помочь глобальным связям с общественностью, мы также принимаем участие в PR-сервисах Jargon, которые имеют обширные знания о ICO и промышленных блок-цепочках. PR Jargon поможет создавать слухи о ICO и постоянно обновлять наши достижения в области медиа и социальных сетей.
Впервые в истории мы создали экологическую систему, основанную на технологии blockchain. Мы можем заново открыть поставку золота из шахты на нефтеперерабатывающий завод
Мы предоставляем металлы в экологических условиях, храним их в сейфах
Помимо неоправданного, покупатель также гарантирует добычу золота, которая была проведена в законных и здоровых условиях
  • Трек: от моего до потребителя, отслеживается с помощью определенного оборудования
  • Safe: U.SAVE Экосистема создает безопасное пространство
  • Рынок: уверен, что это незаконно из чистоты золота
  • Прозрачность: благодаря использованию общественного блока, каждый может протестировать и связать происхождение золота
  • Ответственный за окружающую среду: мы полностью обеспечиваем окружающую среду, не используя опасных химических продуктов, но мы также небезопасны для горняков
  • Обмен: временный
Подробно ico
Название Токен – USAVE 
Предпродажная стоимость токена – 1 USAVE = 0,895 € 
Цена токена публичных продаж – 1 USAVE = € 0,94 
Платформа – Ethereum 
SoftCap – 5 000 000 евро 
Жесткая крышка – 130 000 000 EUR Полученная 
валюта – BTC, ETH, LTC, Дэш, Дож, заказы
2015 ROADMAP Начало проекта U.SAVE
Лицензия на лицензию на золото в июне Aurum Monaco
Августовское партнерство с Бринком
Сентябрь R & D I5 Золото / прослеживаемость
Июльское партнерство с лондонской компанией Lloyd, страховой компанией
Планирование строительства хранилища в декабре
Февральский монолитный завод в Монако официально открыт
Соглашение о присоединении к апрелю было подписано для обеспечения поставок золота
Событие сентябрьского токена продаж начинается
Партнерство Q1 с лондонской компанией Lloyd, страховой компанией
Q4 Monaco Gold Exchange в эфир / USAVE Токены могут быть официально преобразованы в физическое золото
профессиональная команда проекта:
  • Selim FENDI – основатель, генеральный директор
  • Хирандер МИСРА – соучредитель, руководитель приложения Blockchain
  • Azzedine OUARAB – соучредитель, директор по маркетингу
  • Сами ТАВЕРНА – соучредитель, главный технический директор
  • Тони ХАРРОП – Соучредитель, Технический / Бизнес-консультант
  • На этом сайте  Вы можете посетить раздел «Команда» и посмотреть профиль каждого сотрудника в Linkedin, а также увидеть всю команду Usave. Здесь вы можете проконсультироваться и проанализировать как можно больше людей.
Вы можете использовать приведенную ниже ссылку, чтобы узнать больше;



Decentralized projects, which have beneficial value for potential investors or investors, are one of the projects that will grow rapidly, because fluctuations in digital asset exchange at the beginning of this year have increased significantly. The definition of this network uses themes that are truly unique from other platform platforms around the world, have a balance value and an investment process that has a value of profit that exceeds the capital needed to trade modern digital assets. UTILE NETWORK  is the blockchain platform, which for the first time introduces unique creative ideas in the symbolic market economy, which can start trading directly and on a digital asset exchange platform.
NETWORK UTILE  is one of the results of the development of the blockchain industry, which has experienced good performance and great ideas based on systems that directly open up opportunities for investors to be more open with symbolic investment. Being one of the first platform platforms produced, the company wants to realize and help investors worry more about the many economic weaknesses in the world suffering in the concept of mutual assistance as investments that can be exchanged by registered users in this block chain. Some important points from the  UTILE NETWORK platform will be a time when most registered investors or potential investors who start their business on this platform will be in business.
Responding to the terms and conditions of the NETWORK UTILE platform   is a source of income that will provide a balanced value of mutually beneficial ecosystems between buyers and sellers. In this case, if the investor is an economic concept that has an average probability that exceeds the return on investment capital, symbolic sales will be more common for investors who want to benefit from this platform. The ability to connect with the following projects is a tremendous effort in legal and safe projects to trade tobacco products and tokens in the pulp and paper industry, to start working and implement a balanced analysis system in one of your own directed tactics and ideas by many investors. NETWORK UTILEa decentralized blockchase platform that aims to create investments that affect the positive side of managing funds that will be invested in this platform; in other words, this platform is a place for investors around the world.
NETWORK UTILE is  presented at the beginning of the year in commercial encryption companies that have certain characteristics, with many and the high commercial crypt markets currently dominating the market. UTILE NETWORK company Become one of the great companies that have great success in the future. Trading in the cryptocurrency world is never separated from the rise and fall of currency fluctuations and exchange of currencies, this is something natural for commercial crypt companies, in addition, companies do not have creative ideas that can. Of course, the system does not invest in investment , a disaster that can be fatal with the destruction of the company. Decentralized investment funds in a block platform for investors around the world are the effective philosophy offered by this platform. With the vision and mission of the concept of mutual benefit between project owners and token owners. With so many markets in the world of kryptonuki this year,
Publications in the form of market analysis, information screening, presentations, speculations or other creative ideas on blockchain-related topics will be evaluated by community members and the results of the protocol. The review will qualify for the UTL Token Award.
Investment advice will be added with bonus tokens depending on return on investment. This platform will determine current income based on information provided previously related to actual asset fluctuations at its lowest point. Users will be allowed to close bonus tokens at any time to collect prizes or wait until the expiration date is validated based on the period of time given in the form.
  • The number of codes received will depend on a number of factors:
  • Points are collected through community assessment
  • Ranking record – depending on the number of frozen tokens, you will receive a prize
  • Record of election process. Voters are more valuable, the more you receive more tokens

This company has commercial value, which is very special in every exchange. Providing convenience to potential investors is one of the things that can be classified as an encryption company in the world, but provides clear and detailed details and at the same time is a road map that determines whether the company really pays attention to investors in the future. potency. If you are looking for a market as a place to negotiate currencies, this is the solution that you can take as one of the main options for the cryptographic market for trading based on the blockchain platform. This feature of the blockchain platform is   the latest UTILE NETWORK technology  .This is one of the commercial markets for currency exchange and cryptography through a market democratic system, which has a big advantage for shareholders’ profits. Not only that. NETWORK UTILE  here has advantages that can be explained better than other markets as a place to trade with cryptography.
UTILE NETWORK A new trading platform based on successful blockchain techniques that show markets and change the functioning of financial ecosystems. This system uses its platform partners to support the negotiation process of several types of extraordinary assets. In addition, this platform also uses its own cryptocurrency, known as Token trading. Developers hope to create large liquidity targets that support Token operations to help token owners. The aim of this platform is to become a leader in transforming various financial assets with blockchain technology. After you decide to join this negotiation site, I am sure that thanks to the founders’ creative experience and ideas, you can continue to invest and start exchanges or exchanges, of course,
The future of the  NETWORK NETWORK  platform as the first generation platform that offers solutions to investor problems that cannot be timely, and whenever changes in encryption market changes or the usual high and lows of cryptographic prices make this platform a potential user. They are ready to receive automatic notifications on their mobile devices. the world without leaving the slightest role. The aim is to create an ecosystem that conceptualizes the mutual benefits between traders and users, and platforms that can constantly contribute to income stability. To overcome the problems faced by most investors,  UTILE NETWORK come to solutions by offering smart solutions with platforms that help productivity and easy access to your account.
btc name Sriningsih22 
btc link profile;u=2303929

Bitcoin Air

Bitcoin Light water, lightning fast, easy to use

Capitalism’s expansion greatly changed the global economic model. This has not stopped with the main institutions and multinational companies that have been created, managed and managed through large capitalization; This has overcome this to be the standard for all startups and medium-sized projects, including individual ones.
Because cryptocurrency is heading to the market, exchanges with strong mechanisms and additional benefits will increase the use of this technology. This will encourage more people to join safer trading facilities that guarantee their profits.
With the arrival of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, crowdfunding has acquired a new format: ICO (initial coin offer). The ICO is a fund-raising method that involves issuing tokens in a block chain independently of trusted third parties. In this case, the buyer does not have a stake in the company, but a token that will allow him to use the service after the final product has been developed, with the expectation that the value will increase due to demand. However, this collection has some undeniable risks; In addition to technical failures, companies may be incompetent or fictitious. The project itself is not immune to future closures or mismanagement.
Bitcoin Air is based on the idea that progress in economic growth must do everything possible to reduce the negative impact on the space used to the maximum extent possible. With the support of Carbon Asset Credits and the strategic goal of reducing emissions through routine actions as simple as buying at your local supermarket, Bitcoin Air plans to create the first form of environmentally friendly currency, which restores the power of health, wealth and governance Back to the world of consumers and traders.
Bitcoin Air is a new light cryptocurrency dedicated to bringing mainstream adoption to small businesses worldwide. Bitcoin Air is the first chain of bilateral operating blocks that will have two chains that will work in a unique way like one!
Bitcoin Air seeks to provide a global solution to many of the main problems facing traditional emissions, banking and the financial system. By combining Bitcoin-rich and populated bases, with Peeroin’s environmentally friendly consensus methods and user-friendliness, we produce perfect double-chain block chains that have the ability to maintain stable and volatile values. Bitcoin Air is one step ahead of implementing Atomic Exchange to eliminate the need for centralized commercial exchange and power.
The mission of Bitcoin Air:
The Bitcoin Air mission is to design and produce the first effort that can be done to address the main problems associated with cryptocurrency, small businesses and current environmental risks. By producing the first chain of double chain blocks supported by credit credit assets, Bitcoin Air leads the way at the forefront of the capacity for adoption, scalability and overall benefits of using blockchain. By combining this technology with Green Initiatives and a means of supporting appropriate assets, Bitcoin Air creates the first living ecosystem dedicated to reducing human footprint, reducing living costs and improving the quality of life in general.
The problem:
One of the main problems that made cryptocurrency adoption difficult was price volatility against the US dollar. Friends, family, and, especially, small businesses are hesitant to accept cryptocurrency for fear of losing value before they can spend or withdraw deposits. Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash produce the right approach to use, with frightening options that can benefit from the use of cryptocurrency in their daily lives. The current form of consensus is a negative influence on the environment and does not produce real value.
The solution:
Air protocol. Using the unique Bitcoin Air Air Protocol technology, users can choose to launch their Bitcoin Air value chain, immediately blocking the dollar value of prices with Carbon Credit. We will maintain the USD value of each of the currencies burned in USDAP (USD Air Protocol) through a bilateral relationship that will provide support through the transfer of Bitcoin air to USDAP. Keep calm knowing that the Air Protocol safely protects the value of your Bitcoin Air.
Minimum decent products:
A minimal demonstration of this product will show an easy-to-use App Store demonstration that will give you an idea of ​​how Bitcoin Air will operate when launched. This is not our final product template, in addition, our demonstration will not be used as a compilation of our main characteristics. We will dramatically expand this MVP when we receive comments about how people react to the use and feel of our demonstrations.
You can take advantage of this demonstration via a tablet, mobile or desktop interface. This will show the basic characteristics that will come to the Air Pay Bitcoin system, which will allow several key features for business transactions without problems and for consumer use.
The idea behind MVP is to provide practical user templates for people to unite before they decide to support Bitcoin Air in its quest to become a stable currency for the biggest consumers based on small businesses.
Bitcoin Air Team:
Bitcoin Air continues to expand our partnership to achieve the best reach for our products. You can see some of our amazing partners on the right. If you are interested in becoming an Air Bitcoin partner, send an email to
btc name Sriningsih22 
btc link profile;u=2303929

Minggu, 28 Oktober 2018


Introducing Naya ICO

This agreement recognizes that the information provided by International Small (“”) in this business plan is exclusive to business and confidential; as a result, anyone who reads this plan agrees to never disclose information in this sustainable business plan without the written permission of Engineer. The reader of the business plan also acknowledges that the information provided in this business program, in addition to information that is in the public domain, can cause severe damage or endanger the Engineer and you will be kept confidential. Upon request, this document is usually returned to the Engineer.
Engineers believe every simple idea can be made possible. However, the average business owner or person with a concept is not equipped to program and determine the task of complex progress accurately. In addition, increased costs, waste of assets, and loss of deadlines result in abnormally high failed prices for bespoke order software projects and too little trust between customers and contributors. is also a man-made blockchain and artificial system to make software programs that can be bespoke for everyone. Blockchain and AI drugs allow content creators and customers to complete their tasks with increased success rates, more cost-effective
Encoding and progress can now be found in ‘pre-industrial’ world balls where up to 90% of tasks fail or review budgets. The task is determined by the delivery stakeholders by individuals who do not have data to describe how they need it to work accurately. Subsequent stakeholders often write code that currently exists, creates inefficiencies, higher costs, and a longer time line. Clients must believe that delivery stakeholders must deliver their vision on time, with a budget also for their quality specifications. Instead, the delivery stakeholders need precise and accurate task specifications and transparent and timely remuneration for their work. But often,
Through the use of blockchain AI and technology with an existing software development style, ( has created an ecosystem that removes the progress of the ‘black container’ and sets it to an assembly circuit. Drag and drop UI and the AI-powered Task Builder allow someone to realize their ideas, because the component library reduces redundancy in progress because the existing code can be immediately attached to the project.
Screenshot_6.jpgWhere there is a natural skill-arranging gap, the success rate is as low as ten% 1. Our potential viewers are individuals who do not understand the real technology, do not want to follow the code, or have no experience building software. At present, individuals who provide providers are developers changing items or task managers who remain trapped in sufficient time and style of material supply. will attract SMBs (if they are independent, startup, or part of a more substantial company) who are unable or unwilling to take advantage of the current software development-software-rent system. These plans can turn bad, because the deadline is skipped, the sub-quality costs and the code that is controlled overwhelm the business to be risky.
“In many businesses that we have built in the past two decades, we have problems with problems when we try to outsource. We learn as time goes by our peers get the same problem; specifications are difficult and wavy, prices are always opaque, and transparency is only good when everything feels soft. When outsourcing clients change, the style of outsourcing is not – therefore the possibility of an effective outcome is very marginalized. “” Human relationships with vendors start great – you agree on costs and time often, but a few weeks or months into a relationship, the vendor will become dark or something will go wrong. Our goal is to [outsourcing solutions] that have complete transparency and predictability.

Solution provided rethinks how the progress of the software program is outsourced and disrupts the sector that will grow to more than $ 3 trillion. Whether it is often building current technology or existing cloud deployment work, will revolutionize the entire life cycle of a bespoke software program and place of creation in a range of settings. This technique is generally structured around two important philosophies:
  • Build – Place everything in a setup collection that uses Automation (AI and standards) to do anything that is usually repetitive and uses a distributed group of people to concentrate on certain task components.
  • Operate – Request combination, optimize significantly (to produce a much better product), and consolidate supply. will provide one charge for most of the operating materials, whether microservices or cloud included in the software program.
We have planned our stage to discuss shipping and trust issues through separate but related layers. Our Human-Assisted AI concentrates on everything related to distribution, from standards to prices, arrangements, task administration and delivery of the last item. Our NAYA Trust System generates multi-stakeholder alternatives to identity after that, guarantees of delivery, IPR, protection, quality of questions, and stakeholder obligations, eliminating the desire for trust that is not seen in the procedure.


Naya Token will ensure that payments are only made after the specifications proposed in the software have been met by companies that need software
Token Sale
Token Name = NAYA TOKEN
Total tokens = 1.25billion
Hard Carp = $ 20million


For more information:

btc name Sriningsih22 
btc link profile;u=2303929