Kamis, 10 Januari 2019



Building and Standardizing through a distributed blockchain solution

The Bluenote marker is a digital currency compatible with ERC20 using a smart license. which will be sold under the BNOW ticker. Buildings and devices that integrate the bluenote protocol and exchange data are supported with bluenote tokens. Buildings can then buy and use bluenote tokens to buy energy efficiency analysis from application developers using the Bluenote protocol.
Bluenote is a leading blockchain solution for building a world with zero emissions. Bluenote launched the world’s first blockchain-based energy efficiency protocol. This creates a decentralized ecosystem that allows construction operators in the world to study
They will form a Prize group to sow the Bluenote Protocol with quality building data and to develop third-party data creation, uploading and deployment applications and facilitate the economy of Bluenote tokens.
Data collection is fully decentralized. Data owners are allowed to have their own protected nodes so they don’t need to use “platform” or “cloud” to share data. If data owners want to share some of their data with the Bluenote community, they can do so in a format that is anonymized or protected through the Bluenote Protocol.
The market for data access and software is facilitated by the Bluenote Protocol and is based on the ERC20 token. Distributed exchange infrastructure is facilitated by tokens and tokens serving protocol users and token traders, wherever they are. The founding tokens and initial investors are subject to a 24-month vesting period. If tokens are not sold, they will be held by Bluenote World AG which will not sell more than CHF million in token value every year.
main benefits:
  1. This results in enormous direct and sustainable cost savings by reducing their energy costs.
  2. These cost savings make buildings more profitable and therefore far more valuable.
  3. The non-financial, but sustainable, benefit is that increasing energy efficiency greatly reduces carbon emissions.

This problem
It’s hard to get the right data to make optimal energy efficient in the building. Data on energy use, performance, and asset values ​​are rarely available. If so, then, as a rule, it is sold as a hardware product, which is mutually protected in an expensive exclusive solution. Without easy access to data, building owners and investors cannot prove specific investments in building technology affect energy use and the end result.
Bluenote will get this data stream from the building and standardize it by completing a distributed block chain called the Bluenote protocol. The Bluenote protocol is an open, confidential, and open access network that provides simple data, data services, and building analysis to unlock new energy efficiency strategies in the building. The Bluenote protocol can be used with new applications and with energy technologies that have been installed in buildings throughout the world.
Explicit approval or benefit sharing does not protect you 
Until now, two main ways to deal with data privacy / confidentiality issues are one or two of:
  1. Explicit agreement. Participation has become the norm for individuals with European GDPR actions. Regarding explicit collection agreements, it is usually possible to access data and the possibility to delete data.
  2. Profit sharing. A number of markets including several blockchain-based solutions aim to overcome this problem as if it were just an unfair advantage, assuming cash would offset privacy and confidentiality issues.
About BNOW tokens 
Cutting utility brokers or energy service providers, Bluenote BNOW tokens serve as payment methods and reward systems as part of a decentralization protocol that allows distributed intelligence data in commercial buildings and the energy sector. Technology and economics Bluenote: 
Enables easy collection and secure access to personal data.
  • Enable new global protocol analytics services.
  • Simplify verification and tracking energy use and energy savings.
  • Creating a bright line between carbon reduction and asset financial performance.
  • Importantly, this allows anyone to take part in this new market.
December 2015 – Launch
Blue City Solutions (“Blue”), a global coalition that helps improve people’s lives by testing, sharing and implementing the best smart city solutions, officially launched at COP21 in Paris.
May 2016 – Discuss
Blue holds an innovation debate open to stakeholders from the international energy world at the Blue Horizon event in Amsterdam, where commercial real estate is discussed as the single largest source of carbon emissions in cities.
September 2016 – Focus
Blue began the project to develop a protocol that allows the global real estate market to directly track energy efficiency: the Bluenote project.
February 2017 – Open
The Bluenote project team was formed with the aim of developing protocols that support independent and decentralized economies that help optimize energy efficiency for commercial real estate throughout the world.
Fall 2018 – Share the event for making tokens
Anyone who passes the KYC process can participate in Bluenote token investment collections and in the performance economy of Bluenote tokens. Bluenote tokens are based on the Ethereum blockchain ERC20 Standard Token.
2018 – Build real-time energy reporting
Bluenote will launch the world’s first open-time data-building performance protocol to compare and verify the energy, emissions and financial data of each building.
For More Information About Bluenote, please visit the link below:

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